

Clúster de Seguretat Contra Incendis

CLÚSIC is an integrating entity of companies representing the value chain of fire safety in Catalonia. It has a mission to improve business competitiveness, create a network for the exchange of experiences and knowledge, and provide support mechanisms and cooperative work.

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Job Opportunities

Delineant BIM

Delineant BIM

  Pefipresa, important empresa del sector de la protecció contra incendis, necessita incorporar a la seva delegació de Barcelona un o una delineant projectista amb Metodologia BIM per desenvolupar la seva carrera professional . Si vols saber més sobre nosaltres,...

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Enginyer/a Industrial

Enginyer/a Industrial

MISSIÓ DE LA VACANT: Som Applus+ Laboratories, la divisió del Grup Applus+ que proporciona serveis d'assaig, certificació i enginyeria de desenvolupament de producte. En el laboratori de Foc assagem i certifiquem la seguretat de materials i productes contra incendis....

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Some data


Working Groups

Training Hours


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Access the list of members and discover the services they can offer you. Active and passive protection products and technical services at your fingertips.

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The CLÚSIC offers you new forms of relationship between customers, suppliers and competitors. The most important companies in the sector are associated