Become a Member

Form a part of the Catalan Fire Safety Cluster

Membership into the Catalan Fire Safety Cluster is open to any company or organisation that is active in anyway in the fire-safety business sector.

Associated companies can:

Advantages and discounts on training and conferences organized by the CLÚSIC

Use the logo of CLÚSIC

Assist in all working groups

Proposar nous grups de treball o projectes a desenvolupar en el marc del CLÚSIC

Propose new work groups or projects to be developed

You can promote your company and your products in the specific sections of the web and other informative materials

Receive information regarding those resolutions passed by association bodies

Make suggestions to board members in order to improve the fulfilment of the association’s aims

Members can participate in the assembly with a vote and vote. They can choose and be elected to the representative positions or to be part of the Management Board

Fees: 1.100 € per year

Are you interested in becoming a member?

Contact us, completing the form below or send an e-mail to and we will contact you.

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